Wills & Estates

Ensure that you have a professional Will, Power of Attorney and Advance Care Directive. 


You will meet with Tess and discuss your personal circumstances. Tess will craft a Will that meets your particular needs and those of your family. With your permission Tess shall discuss your Will with your accountant and or financial advisor to ensure that your Will compliments your broader estate planning. 

Powers of Attorney and Advance Care Directives 

A Power of Attorney and Advance Care Directive can be prepared at the same time as your Will or separately. 

A Power of Attorney is a document that gives another person power to act on your behalf in relation to your financial affairs. 

An Advance Care Directive is a document that allows you to say what you want to happen in relation to personal areas of your life including health care and accommodation. You can also give another person the power to make these decisions for you.  

Deceased Estates

When a loved one passes away it is wise to seek the advice of a solicitor. Sometimes a ‘Grant of Probate’ of the person’s Will shall be required before asset holders like banks and the Lands Titles office will allow the executors to access and administer the person’s assets. When a loved one passes away without a valid Will their estate is administered and distributed in accordance with the Administration and Probate Act 1919 (South Australia). 

Tess can advise and assist you in applying for a Grant of Probate and administering the estate of a loved one.  

Secure Storage of Documents

Dunsford Co offers complimentary and secure storage of your original documents such as your Will, Power of Attorney, Advanced Care Directive and Trust Deeds. 

Contact Tess to make an appointment